FCG - Federal Communications Group
FCG stands for Federal Communications Group
Here you will find, what does FCG stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Federal Communications Group? Federal Communications Group can be abbreviated as FCG What does FCG stand for? FCG stands for Federal Communications Group. What does Federal Communications Group mean?Federal Communications Group is an expansion of FCG
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Alternative definitions of FCG
- Flying Crank Ghost
- Functional Coordinating Group
- Federación Campesina de Guatemala
- Frame Conceptual Graph
- Flower Colored Ghost
- Framework Compliance Guidance
- For Colored Girls
- Flying Crank Ghost
View 108 other definitions of FCG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCLO First Colorado Land Office
- FCHD The Forsyth County Health Department
- FLSI Fine Line Service Inc
- FVCC Fox Valley Career Center
- FRF Fair Rate Funding
- FEI Fleet Energy Inc.
- FSP Full Scale Productions
- FO The Frontline Organisation
- FB Fill in the Blank
- FSDT Financial Sector Deepening Trust
- FFA Fast Forward Advisors
- FGL The Fortune Group LLC
- FCPL Face Consultants Pty Ltd
- FFG Fresh Freight Group
- FTL Full Tilt Logistics
- FLP Fresh Look Products
- FHCC Friendship Health Care Center
- FBGCL Flair Business Growth Consultancy Ltd
- FDMA Fringe Digital Marketing Agency
- FLC Florida Literacy Coalition